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Our Curriculum

Learning through play.

Learning with intention.

Learning in confidence.

Broadening Horizons

We provide care and developmental stimulation through play-based academic growth opportunities for young children as well as educational opportunities for families through our parent resources and events. Teachers at our center see themselves as researchers, learning about each child’s development and simultaneously furthering their own pedagogical knowledge. They specialize in developing and implementing the newest techniques based on the growing body of research that shows positive correlations between home-like indoor environments and strong interpersonal relationships and the ability to concentrate. In our indoor and outdoor classrooms, we are constantly discovering and learning together.

The young child is a member of his/her family. It is our aim to work with each family to create the best possible environment for their child while in our program. At Lily’s Learning House, we focus on the total and unique growth and development of each child.

Program Goals

Social-Emotional Development 

  • Developing self-esteem and personal adjustment skills

  • Achieving self-confidence in relationships

  • Emotional functioning

  • Developing a sense of responsibility and persistence in completing tasks

  • Builds relationships with other children and adults

Cognitive Development

  • Learning to solve problems and form concepts

  • Discovering and exploring their environment

  • Mathematics Development

  • Scientific Reasoning

  • Imitation and symbolic representation & play

Positive Approaches to Learning

  • Emotional and behavioral self-regulation

  • Cognitive self regulation

  • Initiative and curiosity

  • Creativity

Physical Development

  • Gross motor skills

  • Fine motor skills

  • Health, safety, and nutrition

Language & Literacy

  • Language and Communication

  • Vocabulary

  • Emergent Literacy

  • Writing

  • Print and Alphabet Knowledge

  • Phonological Awareness

Daily Schedule & Routine

Lily’s Learning House’s Daily Schedule consists of "Teacher Directed" & "Non Teacher Directed" activities. An in depth over view of our unique schedule and curriculum approach is provided to parents of our enrolled students and listed in our Family Handbook. 

Please feel free to contact for more information. 

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